Astrology and Subtle Energies

I go a lot more in depth in my other blog... 

C  H  S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Root or Base Sacral or Spleen Solar Plexus or Lumbar Heart or Dorsal Throat or Cervical Third Eye Crown or Wisdom
Names Muldahara (support) Svadisthana Manipuraka Anahatha Visshuda Christ Consciousness Sahasrara (thousand)

Kundalini Center (abode of the vital force) (jewel of the navel) (unbeaten) (pure) Ajna Chakra (command) 1000 -Petaled Lotus

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Location Base of Spine-Ovaries Lower Abdomen-Navel Above Navel-Below Chest Heart-Center of Chest Throat-Center of Larynx Between Eyebrows Top of Head

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Color Red & Black Orange Yellow Green & Pink Blue Indigo Violet & White

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Function Survival / Grounding Relationships / Sex Energy / Power Love / Identity Expression / Truth Intuition / Wisdom Spiritual Awareness

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Food Money Problems Fear Grief Creativity  Self-Evaluation Lack of Faith
Issues Money Control Intimidation Forgiveness Living your Dream Misuse of Intellect Non-Humanitarianism

Shelter Blame and Guilt Self-Respect Resentment Expression Closed-Mindedness Lack of Selflessness

Tribe Loyalty Abuse and Incest Trust Bitterness and Anger Speaking your Truth Lack of Spiritual Vision Confusion

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Constipation Allergies Arthritis Asthma Communication  Blood Clots Bone Cancer

Diarrhea Fibroid Tumors Colon or Intestinal  Breast Cancer Depression Brain Tumors Brain Problems
Health Hemorrhoids Gluttony Diabetes Breathing Problems Gum Problems Eye Problems Genetic Disorders

Low Back Pain Hemorrhoids Digestive Disorders Emotional Instability Raspy or Sore Throat Headaches Loss of Free Will

Rectal Cancer Prostate or Bladder  Eating Disorders Heart Problems Scoliosis Mental Confusion Lou Gehrig's Disease

Rectal Tumors Reproductive  Fat around Middle Lung Cancer Shyness Neurological  Multiple Sclerosis

Sciatica Sexual Disorders Indigestion Poor Relationships Swollen Glands Paranoia and Anxiety Paralysis

Varicose Veins Sexual Excess Liver Problems Shoulder Pain T.M.J. Sinus Problems Pineal Gland

Skin Disorders Ulcers Upper/Middle Back  Thyroid Spinal Problems Skeletal Problems

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Crystals Agate Amber Amber Carnelian Angelite Amethyst Amethyst
and Black Onyx Carnelian Agate Aquamarine Chrysoprase Aquamarine Ametrine Ametrine
stones Black Tourmaline Citrine Carnelian Green Aventurine Azurite Azurite Charoite
to use Bloodstone Coral Citrine Green Kyanite Blue Lace Agate Blue Tourmaline Citrine
for Garnet Gold Calcite Malachite Green Tourmaline Chalcedony Fluorite Fluorite
energization Hematite Moonstone Peridot Jade Chrysocolla Kyanite Iolite
and  Obsidian Orange Tourmaline Pyrite Malachite Kyanite Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli
balancing Pyrite Peach Aventurine Smoky Quartz Pink Chalcedony Lapis Lazuli Quartz Crystal Lepidolite
of Red Jade Peach Moonstone Tiger Eye Pink Tourmaline Larimar Sodalite Rock Crystal
Chakra Red Jasper Red Tiger Eye Turquoise Rhodochrosite Quartz Crystal Sugilite Sugilite

Rhodonite Sunstone Rutilated Quartz Rhodonite Sodalite

Ruby / Ruby Zoisite Yellow Tourmaline
Rose Quartz Turquoise

Smoky Quartz

Watermelon Tourmaline

Tourmalated Quartz

Associated Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Sun Pure
Planets Uranus Neptune

Moon Spirit
Signs Capricorn Sagittarius Aries Taurus Gemini Leo
& Aquarius Pisces Scorpio Libra Virgo Cancer Beyond
Houses 10th & 11th 9th & 12th 1st & 8th 2nd & 7th 3rd & 6th 4th & 5th Astrology